Ledur | Search for My Roots 

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Registriert: 24.11.2020 13:22

Early on bug/glitch with Porim NPC:

I escaped Shadow Sing Mine and got to Tirin Abbey by myself. Porim never found me. Later on, he found me late. I tried to take the boat ride with him but it will not let me. It's bugged. I sit in the boat but nothing. (Perhaps if someone knew the console command I could fix this issue?)


Ledur - Searching My Roots - Bug/Glitch:

I finally got to Ledur. After exploring the ruins of Ledur, I am teleported somewhere new. There are NPCs standing around, doing nothing. The trap door in that teleported world does not work. If I teleport back to Nehrim (Ledur), I noticed there is a piece of wall where when I try to interact with it, nothing. Using console command TLC to fly through the wall, the trap door does not work as well.


I do not want to lose my progress because I have found a lot but my game seems bugged.

Any console command(s) to fix my issue?

Please can someone take a look at my save game file?

Vortex Mods from NexusMods
  • Fast travel enabler Steam edition
  • Better Kobolds
  • Normalized Music for Nehrim (volumes)
  • MGM_HarvestSuccess
*** I have attached my save game file as a file attachment. ***
Save 219 - Brand - The Forest Of Salathin (Level 14 to 24), Level 7, Playing Time 05.36.59.ess
my saved game file with bug/glitch
(1.73 MiB) 351-mal heruntergeladen
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 24.11.2020 13:22

Please can someone take a look at my save game file to try and help fix my bug/issue.
Beiträge: 2323
Registriert: 05.01.2013 16:15
Hat sich bedankt: 678 Mal
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hi :)

- the Porim thing is not a bug (or it isn't on your end); there are two ways (alone or with him) to travel to the Abbey.
that he found you after you already arrived is strange, but it won't be officially fixed anymore.
do you have a suitable save? (Porim talking to you again, or both of you by the boat?)

your save worked fine on our end.
-- walk into the town
-- get a quest update
-- get a vision (the teleport)
-- follow the people*
-- vision ends
-- walk to the trapdoor
-- destroy the wall surrounding it
-- open the trapdoor (because now you can)

* did that happen? the NPCs stay some time at the trapdoor, thats "normal".
your screenshot doesn't look like that though (could be the angle)
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 24.11.2020 13:22

22.03.2022 13:29urst hat geschrieben:
your save worked fine on our end.
-- walk into the town
-- get a quest update
-- get a vision (the teleport)
-- follow the people*
-- vision ends
-- walk to the trapdoor
-- destroy the wall surrounding it
-- open the trapdoor (because now you can)

* did that happen? the NPCs stay some time at the trapdoor, thats "normal".
your screenshot doesn't look like that though (could be the angle)
I thought the Porium thing could be causing the issues further down the line.

So I walk around Ledur, then I am teleported to the dream - like in the screenshot. It's a empty world, NPCs standing around, doing nothing. I cannot interact them. I am trapped. In the dream world I cannot interact with the visible trap door. The dream world is empty.

I have some mods. I have a mod which enables map teleport. I tried teleporting back to Ledur. I found the weak wall, cannot interact with that. I used console TLC to fly through the weak wall to the secret trap door, I cannot interact.

So as soon as I go into the dream world, there is my issue. I think other people's dream worlds are different. Like have village buildings? My dream world is empty. Nothing happens.

I listed my mods. I am not sure if any of those could be causing issue though...

Also to note I am hoping someone will make a English voiced dialogue mod some day, either computer generated or with people voice acting. I'm dyslexic so miss key information when reading lol

YouTube video of the issue:
Beiträge: 2323
Registriert: 05.01.2013 16:15
Hat sich bedankt: 678 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 628 Mal

you're using this fast travel mod?
people seem to have issues with it (with are quest related teleports)

like this one
Like someone already posted here the fast traveling mod breaks a part of the quest "seeking your roots" ("Wurzelsuche")
When you go into the city your family might have lived in, just save right before entering, deactivate the fast travel mod in the nehrim launcher,
do the stuff in that city (you will see the game teleporting you during the quest, that teleportation gets broken with the mod enabled).
After you finished that "traveling to somewhere and going back"-sequence, just save and activate the mod again.
another user states this
Frequently doesn't work. Once you click on [edit: something at the beginning of the MQ that also teleports you], it fast travels you into lava.
So I disabled it for that part and re-enabled the mod after, and it refused to work.
so yeah, the mod is probably the root (haha) of your issue.
if you don't want to bother with dis- and re-enabling it (or if it really doesn't work anymore after disabling it once),
there's also Teleport Network Enhanced which you might find useful :)
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 24.11.2020 13:22

23.03.2022 15:20urst hat geschrieben:
you're using this fast travel mod?
people seem to have issues with it (with are quest related teleports)
I need to find a list of compatible mods. I understand removing the ability to freely fast travel is important for Nehrim, but when I have little spare time to play it really helps a lot. It is a shame that the fast travel mod causes issues.
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