Missing Licence

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Registriert: 27.09.2024 16:12

Hi, I can't run the game Enderal because my license is missing. I read here on the forum that me need to have purchased Skyrim. I've had it for many years, I even installed it now in the hope that it would help me run Enderal, but it didn't. I also tried Steam support, but they referred me to the game provider's site. Is there anything you can do to help me? Thanks
Kermit 61
Beiträge: 2054
Registriert: 16.07.2016 11:15
Hat sich bedankt: 410 Mal
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Hello Uwe!

You probably downloaded the wrong Enderal version from Steam.

There are two: Enderal Classic (you must own Skyrim Classic on Steam)

https://store.steampowered.com/app/9334 ... n_Stories/?

and Enderal Special Edition (you must own Skyrim Special Edition on Steam)


Both Enderal versions are identical in terms of content.

The Special Edition runs more stable on most systems and can display more stable fps (90 instead of 60), has additional bug fixes
and general performance improvements.

Skyrim does not need to be installed for Enderal to work.
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