Enderal forgotten stories.sm is not loaded error

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Registriert: 24.07.2024 20:56

Im using mod organizer 2, any ideas on how to fix this? I have it at the top of my load order and the box is checked but idk what else to do. ive modded it to play in vr if that makes a difference
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Hello ghostspider
You surely mean the Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm? Enderal - Forgotten Stories.esm is essential, so a comment has also been added.
Which version (SE or LE) and which source (Steam, GOG, mod version) are you using?

Unfortunately we can't offer support for the ModOrganizer or other external tools, but it looks like the organizer is being blocked.
This is often due to write permissions, whether by Windows (set programs run as admin) or anti-virus programs (set to withelist)
or other background programs that block switching or loading.

In addition, ModOrganizer2 no longer supports older operating systems such as Windows7, at least not in the latest version for Enderal
(Windows7 is no longer supported by Steam anyway)
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