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Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 16.10.2017 12:21
von DanielCoffey
I have a quick question about the weight of Notes in Enderal - are they supposed to weigh something or not?

I was having a look at the Books in the English version to put together a single bug report and spotted that about two thirds of the Notes are weight 0.0, the remaining ones are set to 0.1.

Re: Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 16.10.2017 18:13
von badgesareus
I don't think there is any consistency. Some notes weigh 0, some 0.1, some 1. Some books weigh 0, some 0 .1, some 1.0. There is also not consistency between what an item is named and its type; for example, some items named "notes" are listed under type as "books." Other items such as maps, are listed under type as "notes" although most notes (by name) are not notes (by type)! I think all spell tomes weigh 1, but there is at least one book (Journal of the Apothecarii) whose type is "spell tome" even though it is not a spell tome.

Then you might ask why a note that is just a single page of flimsy paper might weigh 0.1, but the 2000 arrows you are carrying weigh absolutely nothing; apparently even the quivers that hold them are weightless! So one little mushroom weighs more than a quiver full of arrows. Get a whole pocket full of mushrooms and suddenly you can't even run!

Re: Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 16.10.2017 23:11
von stuemper
Thanks for the hints. All inconsistencies regarding the weight of books/notes (books weigh 1, notes weigh 0) and types should be fixed with the next patch. If you notice something weird after the patch is released, simply mention it again.
I'll think about a limiting factor for arrows. If you've got a good idea, let me know.

Re: Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 17.10.2017 00:06
von Buccaneer
If I recall correctly, there was an Archery overhaul mod that implemented a limit on the number of arrows, thus indirectly setting a weight limit. I think it would add another decision-making element if arrows weighed differently by damage, thus making you decide to carry more lower-quality ones or fewer higher-quality ones.

Re: Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 17.10.2017 05:08
von badgesareus
Maybe you could make different quivers that hold different numbers of arrows, similar to the backpacks that increase carry weight at different levels. For example, a common leather quiver might carry 100 arrows and an aeterna quiver might carry 500. There could even be blueprints to find to make them. I just worry that messing around with arrows in such a manner might create unintended bugs. I suspect the simplest way to limit arrows without creating bugs (maybe?) would to make them have weight, perhaps 0.1 .

And maybe mushrooms should weigh less! :lol:

Re: Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 17.10.2017 08:35
von DanielCoffey
Stuemper - thanks for the reply about the weights for books and notes.

I have collected a rather long list of missing or incorrect OBND object bounds, weights, the note/scroll vs book/tome flag and a few other oddities such as one book in a set that is a different mesh. I also found some objects that are open books when in the world and journals in your inventory plus two books (so far) that seem to teach Pickpocket.

I will check my list against the next patch then submit one bug report with anything remaining.

I would personally expect all books and journals to weigh 1.0 and all notes to be 0.0.

I have standard books at -9, -11, -1, 9, 11, 2, large books at -11, -15, -3, 11, 15, 3, journals at -6, -9, 0, 6, 8, 1, folded notes at -8, -5, 0, 8, 5, 0 (many are missing) and the open notes (torn page) a little larger.

Re: Weight of Notes in Enderal?

Verfasst: 17.10.2017 11:25
von DanielCoffey
Stuemper - I have actually submitted my bug reports for the BOOK objects from the English ESP. I suspect that with very few exceptions they will exist in the German ESP too.

There are about 300 corrections that I have grouped into categories and sorted by FormID.

One or two odd ones at the end of my list may need review as they may be intended (such as books that teach pickpocket) or a short scribbled item that has a single page so should be a note or journal but has been given a whole book. I have also spotted a few where one book in a set did not share the same model size as the rest of the set.

I have not yet reviewed the English contents of the books as these are very subjective and my grammar skills (to do with commas) are patchy but I will do a spelling pass later.