Ten Days

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Beiträge: 2323
Registriert: 05.01.2013 16:15
Hat sich bedankt: 678 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 628 Mal

Ten days since the Early Access release. A big thank you to everyone who is accompanying us on the journey on the river!

During this time we've been busy and released some updates. (you can find the full changelog here)

We continue to try to process feedback and bug reports as quickly as possible.
Please keep it up, we appreciate your messages! We need your input because we want to constantly improve your gaming experience.

Bigger updates coming soon
  • Fishing from the raft
  • Hunting wild animals on land
  • The first Crown Stone for the main mission

More features are in the works. What other ideas and suggestions do you have? Let us know!
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