End of Play Comments

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Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 18.01.2017 21:56

I just completed my first play-through of Enderal and am incredibly impressed by the game overall. The graphics, story-line, and voice acting were all superb. Yes, I found a few minor instances where the original German bled through but they were mainly the Nehrimese so it lent a flavor of an invading army. I did get very tired of the constant negative comments by the people in Ark and the Temple - to the point where I wondered WHY my character wanted to save these ungrateful arrogant )*(. I also admit the self-indulgent pity parties held by both Calia and Jespar got old fairly quickly. I just wanted to smack them up the side of the head and ask why they no longer helped me in the effort to save the world.

I found 95 of the 100 magical symbols. Actually, I located three others but could not get access to them because they were inside locked rooms requiring keys. Even if I cheated and either consoled the key into existence or simply used "unlock" on the door, access was denied. Next time I play through, I will see if I can get better access during quests.

Overall, awesome game made even more amazing as it was a free mod. You guys rock!
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